
The Old English Period | বাংলা লেকচার | Bengali Lecture

On His Blindness for First Year Students of English Department, NU | বাং...

Who are Cavalier poets? and What are their contributions? | বাংলা লেকচার...

Robert Browning's Attitude to Art and Life | বাংলা লেকচার | Bengali Lecture

Age of satire is 18 century | বাংলা লেকচার | Bengali Lecture

History of English Literature + Tips | Live Class | 2nd Year | Paid Grou...

What is CLT? | Communicative Language Teaching | বাংলা লেকচার | Bengali ...

Discuss Aristotle's Concept of Imitation | Poetics | বাংলা লেকচার | Beng...

What is Target Language? | ELT | বাংলা লেকচার | Bengali Lecture

What is SLA? | ELT | বাংলা লেকচার | Bengali Lecture

How does Aristotle glorify tragedy over epic poetry? | বাংলা লেকচার | Be...

What areas of Language are emphasized in the grammar-translation method?...